1883 -1953
He was born in Mosul, and his parents were originally from Alqush. He entered religious orders in 1895 in St. Louis Seminary for Cabogian Fathers in Istanbul until he was ordained a priest in 1907. He first served in Mosul, and then in Alqush, where he ran the school of St. Micah. He moved to Baghdad (1927-1939), and then he returned to Mosul, where he was ordained a bishop in 1947.He translated ‘Queen Esther’ (which was written by the French writer Racine (1639-1699) but originally derived from the Bible) into Syriac and directed it under the title ‘Ester Maliktha’ and presented it in Alqush in 1912. This was considered the first attempt to present a play in Syriac, and the first attempt to present a play outside the city of Mosul.