Awni Caromi

1945 – 2006

Bom in Mosul, and graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts acting and directing in1965 then from the Academy of Fine Arts in 1969. He got master’s degree / Theatrical Science from Theatrical Science Institute in Humboldt University – Germany, 1972 and doctorate’s degree / Theatrical Science from the same German Institute, 1972. He taught in number of Iraqi, Arabic and German universities in the years 1997-1977. He took part in many Arabic and International conferences, festivals and symposiums in the years 1972-2002. He directed more than (70) plays. He was granted many of the international awards at Baghdad, Cairo, Carthage, and Berlin festivals and was granted title (The mediator of cultures by Brasht Center in Berlin, He died in Germany, Berlin, From his books: – “the Art of actor,” “the teaching methods of acting”, and “school theatre”. He had many published researches such as: – “Brasht in Iraq”, and “the public and theater”. Jawad Al-Tahir and the German Hainz Millar wrote about him.

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