Books and manuscripts

The Syriac Heritage Museum includes among its assets a valuable collection of old books and rare manuscripts that are considered valuables. Among the most prominent ancient books is the Holy Bible book printed in both classical and colloquial Syriac, which was printed back in 1852 in Urmi, Iran. It also includes a rare collection of issues of “Iklil al-Wuroud magazine-The roses wreath”, which is the first Iraqi and Syriac magazine, issued by the Dominican fathers in Mosul in three languages:
“Iklil al-Wuroud magazine-The roses wreath” in Arabic (1902-1909).
“Iklil al-Wuroud magazine-The roses wreath” in Syriac (1904-1907).
“Iklil al-Wuroud magazine-The roses wreath” in French (1906-1910).
As well as another group of anecdotes