Putros Haddad

1937- 2010

Born in Mosul, he joined the Shamaon Al-Safa Patriarchal Institute in Mosul, 1950. and continued his clerical studies at the propaganda college in Rome 1954. He was ordained a priest in Rome, 1961, and had got doctorate’s degree in 1964 , Then he came back to Mosul, and served in (The mother of aid) Church. In 1966 he moved to Baghdad to teach at the clerical Institute 1966-1968, In 1989 Patriarch Rophael Bidawid appointed him a Chairman of the Patriarchal Registry. He perfected Italian. Latin, French and English as well as Syriac and Arabic, and translated a number of journeys from those languages into Arabic such as: a journey of Philippe Al-Karmali). (the journey of Vidrigi). (Vinshisto). (Cepctiyani). (Lajan). (Dilavalich). (Balbi ). (Flandan). (Rousseau). (Dupree), and others. Moreover he wrote many books such as: (the small history). (the précis of churchly news). (the churches and monasteries of Baghdad) 2006, (the thoughts) by clergyman Daod Rammo, i and (Father Gibrael Dinbo), also he specialized in safes of monastic manuscripts and private churches..

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